When the Sky’s King Claims the Life of a Majestic Snow Fox

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As cunning animals, foxes quite often steal or steal other people’s prey. This time, the one it aimed at was an eagle.

While the eagle was enjoying his lunch, the fox came to threaten and take the bait. Thought the lord of the sky would have to give up the meal, but no, it immediately attacked the fox to protect its meal.

Eagles use their talons and wings to attack attackers. The fox is also ready for a fight, but it is overwhelmed by enemies that are too aggressive and skilled.

The fox was repeatedly attacked by the eagle, causing it to run away and have several wounds on its body after a failed raid on the snow.

The bait that the eagle is eating constantly encounters those who want to take it. Before it was a flock of vultures and crows, but after all, the eagle kept its meal.

The eagle in the story is the Golden Eagle, one of the largest birds of prey in the world.

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