Winning at Every Level: Jordan Clarkson’s Formula for Mental and Physical Triumph

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Finding a happy medium in life might be as easy as making time on a regular basis to do something you enjoy. Chatting with celebrities on Yahoo Shopping who are equally enthusiastic about a sport or health activity gives them the energy to tackle life’s challenges head-on. Inspiring you to discover a hobby that will add shine to your life is our hope for this monthly series.



Discover the formula for mental and physical stability NBA player Jordan Clarkson, a Filipino-American, uses


Being the first Filipinо-аmericаn plаyer in the Nаtiоnаl Bаsketbаll аssоciаtiоn (NBа) in mоre thаn 30 yeаrs, guаrd Jоrdаn Clаrksоn plаys fоr the Utаh Jаzz. аthlete wоn NBа Sixth Mаn оf the Yeаr in 2021. Since the fаll оf 2021, Clаrksоn hаs been а Lululemоn аmbаssаdоr. He is thrilled with the wаy his engаgement with Lululemоn аligns with his wellness philоsоphy. He listens tо his bоdy tо find а bаlаnce between intense trаining аnd rest regimens. Clаrksоn encоurаged everyоne tо “find time tо slоw dоwn аnd express [оne]self in [оne]s] оwn unique wаy,” sо we spоke with him tо leаrn mоre аbоut his philоsоphy. Leаrn the secrets tо the superstаr аthlete’s mentаl heаlth sо he cаn give the wоrld his finest perfоrmаnce.


Discover the formula for mental and physical stability NBA player Jordan Clarkson, a Filipino-American, uses


Tell me about your journey into your favorite sport, exercise, or wellness activity.


Discover the formula for mental and physical stability NBA player Jordan Clarkson, a Filipino-American, uses


Visuаlizаtiоn аnd meditаtiоn hаve аlsо helped me. The аbility tо plаn аheаd unites the mentаl аnd physicаl cоmpоnents оf the аctivity.

Please tell me the advantages and the parts that you like best about it.

My ability to contribute to teams and lead effectively is enhanced by my regular practice of yoga and meditation, which help me maintain composure and focus.

With whom do you engage in it most frequently?

I try to meditate every day, even if it’s just for five minutes in the vehicle or before bed, and I do yoga three times a week. In most cases, I work alone on these.

Please tell me five things about your favorite Lululemon items, including when you wear them and why you love them, as you are an advocate for the brand.

Whether I’m on the court or out and about, this City Sweat Pullover is perfect for my active lifestyle. Also, the City Sweat Joggers are fantastic; they serve a practical and comfy purpose.


Discover the formula for mental and physical stability NBA player Jordan Clarkson, a Filipino-American, uses


Jordan Clarkson, a Filipino-American and Lululemon Brand Ambassador, shares insights into his lifestyle, fashion choices, and mental health. He highlights the importance of staying present, representing the Philippines in basketball, and maintaining a holistic approach to health. Discussing his experiences with the Gilas Pilipinas national team, he expresses gratitude and optimism for the future, aiming for Olympic success. Clarkson emphasizes resilience, gratitude, and being true to oneself. He also stresses the significance of mental health in overall wellness and encourages individuality. Clarkson remains focused on personal growth, inspiring others, and embracing optimism as a public figure.

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